Voice Guild Malaysia

Rate Card

Broadcast Marketing Material / Commercial

Social Media Platforms, YouTube, Online Radio, Television, Radio, Cinema, Podcast Platforms, Digital Streaming Platforms, Digital Out of Home, Public Broadcasting Platforms
Category 1A: 1 Year Usage Broadcast Marketing Material / Commercial

Usage Rights:
Social Media Platforms, 'Public' YouTube Video, Online Radio, Television, Podcast Platforms, Digital Streaming Platforms, Digital Out of Home, Public Broadcasting Platforms

  • Intention to promote/sell/market/create brand awareness for a product, service, brand, platform, organisation or individual.
  • Rates DO NOT INCLUDE Recording & Editing Services. Refer to Studio Work for relevant rates.
Duration Rate Re-Record Rate
Minimum Fee RM400 per session, per language, per client/product*
1 - 10 secs RM200 (only when recording more than 1 commercial)*
11 - 20 secs RM400 RM200 (only when recording more than 1 commercial)*
21 - 30 secs RM600 RM300 (only when recording more than 1 commercial)*
31 - 45 secs RM900 RM450
46 - 60 secs (1 min) RM1,200 RM600
61 - 75 secs (1 min 15 secs) RM1,350 RM675
76 - 90 secs (1 min 30 secs) RM1,500 RM750
Duration Rate
> 90 secs** +RM150/30 secs
(rounded up to the next highest 30 sec block)

**VOs shorter than 10 secs for material longer than 90 secs: flat rate of RM900 (includes brand tags)

Eg Duration Rate
2 mins RM1,650
Other Charges
Roles / Characters RM100/role for third role or character onwards (including announcer).
Re-Record*** 50% of original fee for material not yet broadcasted, RM400 minimum fee per session**.
Broadcasted Cut-Down / Version Full payment based on material duration of each and every cut-down / version. Change of format (eg. video to audio) is considered a new version.
+Territory / Country Full payment based on material duration of the version(s) used for each additional territory / country.
Rejection Fee 50% of original fee, RM400 minimum fee. Only applies if material has not been broadcast.
Dubbing / A.D.R. Fee Additional RM100 or 10% of total fee (whichever is higher) where talent is required to match the lips & expression of an onscreen talent / animated character. Talent has the discretion to waive this fee.
Buyout Rates***** (Lifetime Usage)
Brand Tag Buyout RM3,600 single country. RM12,000 worldwide. (eg "Honda, the power of dreams")
Single Country (full ad) Original fee of longest duration x8, RM4,800 minimum fee.
10 Countries & Below (full ad) Original fee of longest duration x12, RM7,200 minimum fee.
Worldwide Original fee of longest duration x25, RM15,000 minimum fee.

Terms & Conditions

    Eg 1: If a talent is asked to record only 1 x 10 secs commercial: The fee is RM400 (RM400 minimum fee per session).
    Eg 2: If the talent is asked to record 2 x 10 secs commercial: The fee is calculated as RM200 x 2 = RM400 (RM200 applies when there is more than 1 commercial being recorded).
    Eg 3: If the talent is asked to record 1 x 30 secs commercial, 1 x 15 secs commercial, and 1 x 6 secs commercial: The fee is calculated as RM600 + RM400 + RM200 = RM1,200 (RM200 applies when there is more than 1 commercial being recorded).
    Eg 4: If a talent is asked to record 1 x 6s English commercial and 1 x 6s BM commercial: The fee is calculated as RM400 + RM400 = RM800 (RM400 minimum fee per session, per language).
  2. *** When any marketing material is already broadcasted / published, any amendment made for re-broadcast / re-publishing is considered a new version.
  3. **** Any subsequent editing from the broadcasted material is regarded as a new cutdown / version and shall be charged accordingly (eg. 1 min recorded VO edited down to a new 30 secs cutdown, or 30 secs visual material edited to a 30 secs audio material).
  4. ***** Refer to Category 1B for additional Buyout options & rates. If number of cutdowns & platforms is not yet decided, refer to Category 1B.
  5. Fees are calculated based on full duration of commercial / broadcast marketing material, NOT duration of VO.
  6. Rates are based on 1 year usage of a single version, single format (visual material and audio material are considered two different formats).
    The same version / format commercial may be aired on multiple platforms (TV, cinema, social media etc).
    Rates are based on usage for single country/territory (boosted/advertised/geotagged). Upload on social media platforms / YouTube without boosting/advertising/geotagging constitutes single territory / country). Full rates apply for usage in each subsequent year and additional territory / country (based on where commercial is advertised / boosted / geotagged). Commercials may be left on the social media platforms channel indefinitely without boosting/advertising/geotagging at no additional charge.
  7. Rates are based on 1 year usage of a single version, single format (visual material and audio material are considered two different formats) on multiple platforms (television, cinema, social media etc.), for use in a single territory / country (upload on social media platforms / YouTube without advertising / boosting constitutes single territory / country). Full rates apply for usage in each subsequent year and additional territory / country (based on where commercial is advertised / boosted / geotagged).
  8. Rates also cover the usage rights for Category 2 (Non-Broadcast Material) and Category 3 (Announcements).
  9. The VGM strongly recommends invoices of up to RM1,200 must be cleared before recording, and the remaining amount is to be cleared within 30 days.
Category 1B: Short Term Campaign Buyout - Broadcast Marketing Material / Commercial

Usage Rights:
Social Media Platforms, 'Public' YouTube Video, Online Radio, Television, Radio, Cinema, Podcast Platforms, Digital Streaming Platforms, Digital Out Of Home, public broadcasting platforms

  • Commercial buyout for 6 weeks or less, unlimited cutdowns and platforms*
  • Example: "7.7 Sale!" commercials that air only in the month of July.
  • Intention to promote / sell / market / create brand awareness for a product, service, brand, platform, organisation or individual.
  • Rates DO NOT INCLUDE Recording & Editing Services. Refer to Studio Work for relevant rates.

Eligibility criteria:

  • 6 weeks usage period or less (all commercials / cutdowns / versions MUST BE removed from all public broadcast platforms after usage period*)
  • Single script, recorded in a single (two hour maximum) recording session
  • Multiple versions / cutdowns (known or unknown quantity)
  • Known or unknown broadcast platforms (eg. Radio, TV, Social Media, etc)
  • Known or unknown commercial duration / length
  • Recorded VO audio duration / length is not longer than 5 minutes

1-60 Seconds Recorded VO Duration / Length **

Language Rate
English RM28 per word, RM2,400 minimum fee per session
BM RM32 per word, RM2,400 minimum fee per session
Chinese RM16 per character, RM2,400 minimum fee per session
Tamil RM32 per word, RM2,400 minimum fee per session

Subsequent 61 Seconds - 5 Minutes (Maximum) Recorded VO Duration / Length **

Language Rate
English RM10 per word
BM RM12 per word
Chinese RM6 per character
Tamil RM12 per word

Terms & Conditions

  1. * If commercial / cutdowns / versions remain on public broadcast platforms after 6 weeks, a surcharge of 20% of invoiced fee per week applies.
  2. ** Rates are calculated per word, based on full duration of RECORDED VO, NOT duration / length of commercial / broadcast marketing material.
  3. Rates are for BUYOUT, based on 6 weeks or shorter usage of unlimited versions, unlimited formats (visual material and audio material are considered two different formats) on unlimited platforms (television, cinema, social media etc).
  4. Rates are for use in a single territory / country. Full rates apply for each additional territory / country.
  5. Rates also cover the usage rights for Category 2 (Non Broadcast Material) and Category 3 (Announcement)
  6. The VGM strongly recommends invoices of up to RM1,200 must be cleared before recording, and the remaining amount is to be cleared within 30 days.

Non-Broadcast Material

Corporate Video, On-site Event, Company-owned domain website, Lobby Viewing, "Unlisted" / "Private" YouTube Tutorials, Instructionals, Explainers, Advertising Award Submission, Demo Stealomatic.

Usage Rights:
Corporate Video, On-site Event, Company-owned domain website, Lobby Viewing, 'Unlisted' / 'Private' YouTube Video, Tutorials, Instructionals, Explainers, Advertising Award Submission*, Demo / Stealomatic*

  • For internal use only. DOES NOT INCLUDE social media / 'Public' YouTube Video.
  • Rates DO NOT INCLUDE Recording & Editing Services. Refer to Studio Work for relevant rates.
Duration Rate
0 - 3:59 mins RM700
4 - 5:59 mins RM850
6 - 9:59 mins RM1,000
≥ 10 mins +RM100/min
(Rounded up to the next highest minute)

Duration 13 mins = RM1,300
Duration 19 mins 35 secs = RM2,000

Other Charges
Re-Record / Insert < 59 secs RM400
Re-Record / Insert > 1 min Full payment based on the duration of re-record / insert potion VO.
Cut-Down / Version** Full payment based on the duration of each cut-down / version.
Format Conversion** Full payment based on the duration of format-converted material.

Rates are calculated based on full duration of EACH long-form content, NOT the length of the VO (except in thecase of re-records / inserts longer than 1 min).

*Demo / Stealomatic & Advertising Awards Submission

Duration Rate
0 - 59 secs RM300
> 60 secs RM500

Terms & Conditions

  1. ** Any subsequent form of editing from the final original material is regarded as a new version and shall be charged accordingly (eg. 1 min recorded VO edited down to a new 30secs cut-down, or 30 secs visual material edited to a 30 secs audio material).
  2. Rates are based on lifetime usage of a single version, single format (visual material and audio material are considered two different formats), internal usage only.
  3. Material shall not be used on any platform that possesses the coverage of audience for viral / broadcast capacity. Once the material (or part thereof) is broadcasted / published, charges apply as per Category 1A or Category 1B.
  4. The VGM strongly recommends invoices of up to RM1,200 must be cleared before recording, and the remaining amount is to be cleared within 30 days.


Airport Announcements, In-flight Announcement, Public Transportation Announcements, Mall, In-Store, Retail, Hospital, Museum, Theme Park, Concert, Award Show / Event Announcements, In-app Use / Virtual Tour Guide, Lift / Elevator Announcements, Kiosk

Usage Rights:
Airport, In-flight, Public Transportation, Mall, In-Store, Retail, Hospital, Museum, Theme Park, Concert, Award Show / Events, In-app Use / Virtual Tour Guide, Lift / Elevator, Kiosk, GPS prompts for single brand only (eg Waze, Google Maps, BMW)

  • For internal use only. DOES NOT INCLUDE social media / 'Public' YouTube Video.
  • Rates DO NOT INCLUDE Recording & Editing Services. Refer to Studio Work for relevant rates.
Duration Rate (per announcement)
Minimum Fee RM400*
1 - 10 secs RM150*
11 - 20 secs RM200*
21 - 30 secs RM300*
31 - 45 secs RM400
46 - 60 secs RM500
61 secs & above RM700

For 30 announcements and above, the talent has the discretion to offer bulk discounts between 5% - 40%.

Other Charges
Re-Record / Insert Full payment based on the duration of re-record / insert portion, RM400 minimum fee per session.
Cut-Down / Version** Full payment based on the duration of each cut-down / version.
Format Conversion** Full payment based on the duration of format-converted material.

Rates are calculated based on full duration of EACH individual announcement VO.
Eg. For LRT announcements: "Next station, Bangsar" and "Now arriving at Bangsar" are considered TWO individual announcements..

Terms & Conditions

  1. * The minimum fee PER RECORDING SESSION is RM400. Eg. If a talent is asked to record only 2 announcements, each 10 secs duration: The fee is calculated as RM150 x 2 = RM300. However the minimum fee of RM400 still applies. If the talent is asked to record 4 announcements, each 5 secs duration: The fee is calculated as RM150 x 4 = RM600.
  2. *** Any subsequent form of editing from the final original material is regarded as a new version and shall be charged accordingly (eg. 1 min recorded VO edited down to a new 30 secs cut-down, or 30 secs visual material edited to a 30 secs audio material).
  3. Rates are based on lifetime usage of a single version, single format (visual material and audio material are considered two different formats), internal usage only.
  4. Rates are for use in a single territory / country. Full rates apply for usage in each additional territory / country.
  5. Material shall not be used on any platform that possesses the coverage of audience for viral / broadcast capacity. Once the material (or part thereof) is broadcasted / published, charges apply as per Category 1A or Category 1B.
  6. Usage rights DO NOT INCLUDE use for Digital Voice Simulations, A.I. Voice Cloning / A.I. Voice Generating / A.I. Voice Training / A.I. Voice Creations, Voice Synthesization, Digital Double / Voice Double, Machine Learning, Composite Voice, and alike. Any company or person may not extract or copy the voice assets or recordings, of any Voice Over Talent, living or deceased, for the use in any manner that is not according to the agreed usage of recordings, without Voice Guild Malaysia or the Voice Over Talent's consent.
  7. The VGM strongly recommends invoices of up to RM1,200 must be cleared before recording, and the remaining amount is to be cleared within 30 days.

Interactive Voice Response (I.V.R) / Voice Prompt

Usage Rights:
VO recording can only be used for the specified company / products / services as stated in the Talent's Invoice.

  • Rates DO NOT INCLUDE the rights to sell / license the VO recordings to any third party*.
  • Rates DO NOT INCLUDE Recording & Editing Services. Refer to Studio Work for relevant rates.
Page Rate
1st page RM400
Subsequent page (per language) +RM200/page
Buyout Rates**
20 countries & below Original fee x10
Worldwide Original fee x25

Terms & Conditions

  1. * Full rates apply for EACH third party the VO recordings are sold / licensed to. Buyout rates may be negotiated with the talent directly.
  2. Rates are based on lifetime usage within a single territory / country. Full rates apply for usage in each additional territory / country.
  3. Rate calculation is based on A4-size sheet, double spacing, one-inch margin, Times New Roman 12pt font (English / Bahasa Malaysia / Tamil), Kai Ti or Fang Song Ti 14pt font (Chinese)
  4. Each prompt is considered an individual line and scripts must be formatted accordingly.
  5. ** Usage rights DO NOT INCLUDE use for Digital Voice Simulations, A.I. Voice Cloning / A.I. Voice Generating / A.I. Voice Training / A.I. Voice Creations, Voice Synthesization, Digital Double / Voice Double, Machine Learning, Composite Voice, and alike. Any company or person may not extract or copy the voice assets or recordings, of any Voice Over Talent, living or deceased, for the use in any manner that is not according to the agreed usage of recordings, without Voice Guild Malaysia or the Voice Over Talent's consent.
  6. The VGM strongly recommends invoices of up to RM1,200 must be cleared before recording, and the remaining amount is to be cleared within 30 days.

Voice Acting / Narration

Animation (Series), Animated Feature, Movies, A.D.R., Dubbing, Video Games, Episodic Content, Television / Web Program Narration, Documentary

Usage Rights:
Animation (Series), Animated Feature, Movies, A.D.R. ( Automated Dialogue Replacement), Dubbing, Video Games, Episodic Content, Television / Web Program Narration, Documentary.

  • Rates DO NOT INCLUDE Recording & Editing Services. Refer to Studio Work for relevant rates.

Option 1: per Hour

Per working hour* RM500

Option 2: per Hour Package

12 hours RM5,000
Every subsequent hour
(only applicable for each individual talent)

Option 3: per Line

Per line
(3 wallas / effort sounds are considered 1 line)
Minimum fee RM500 / per session


  • Working Hour includes time spent in recording booth and / or in discussion / meeting / briefing regardingcharacter / direction / performance (after the talent has been confirmed). Table reads are included.
  • Working Hour does not include time spent auditioning or in any discussions / workshopping of characters prior toconfirmation of the talent for the role.
  • Minimum 1 HOUR & maximum 4 HOURS per session, per project. Talent has the discretion to waive this clause.
  • Vocally stressful sessions should be limited to a single 2-hour session or as requested by the VO talent.

Terms & Conditions

  1. * Maximum of 3 characters per hour portrayed by a single talent. Additional characters are charged as an additional working hour.
  2. Rates are based on lifetime usage of a single version, on multiple platforms (Television, cinema, etc) worldwide.
  3. Rates do not include VOs that are recorded specifically for commercial / broadcast martketing material. If the voice talent is asked to record a VO specifically for commercial / broadcast marketing use (eg. the talent is asked to voice a character for a trailer), fees apply as per Category 1A or 1B. If already recorded VOs are used for commercial / broadcast marketing use, fees as per Category 1A or 1B do not apply.
  4. The VGM strongly recommends invoices of up to RM1,200 must be cleared before recording, and the remaining amount is to be cleared within 30 days.

Training Module / E-Learning/ Educational Material

Usage Rights:
VO recording can only be used for the specified company / products / services as stated in the Talent's Invoice.

  • Rates DO NOT INCLUDE the rights to sell / license the VO recordings to any third party*.
  • For internal use ONLY: Not for profit, OR for use on public-facing app or other such platforms**
  • Rates DO NOT INCLUDE Recording & Editing Services. Refer to Studio Work for relevant rates.
Language Rate
English, BM & Tamil RM0.80 per word, RM400 minimum fee per session
Chinese RM0.60 per character, RM400 minimum fee per session

Terms & Conditions

  1. * Full rates apply for EACH third party the VO recording are sold / licensed to. Buyout rates may be negotiated with the talent directly.
  2. ** Once used for-profit, or used in any public-facing app, or on other such platforms, a 50% surcharge applies to the total original charges.
  3. Rates are based on lifetime usage within a single territory / country. Full rates apply for usage in each additional territory / country.
  4. Usage rights DO NOT INCLUDE use for Digital Voice Simulations, A.I. Voice Cloning / A.I. Voice Generating / A.I. Voice Training / A.I. Voice Creations, Voice Synthesization, Digital Double / Voice Double, Machine Learning, Composite Voice, and alike. Any company or person may not extract or copy the voice assets or recordings, of any Voice Over Talent, living or deceased, for the use in any manner that is not according to the agreed usage of recordings, without Voice Guild Malaysia or the Voice Over Talent's consent.
  5. The VGM strongly recommends invoices of up to RM1,200 must be cleared before recording, and the remaining amount is to be cleared within 30 days.


Usage Rights:
Animation (Series), Animated Feature, Movies, A.D.R. ( Automated Dialogue Replacement), Dubbing, Video Games, Episodic Content, Television / Web Program Narration, Documentary.

  • Rates DO NOT INCLUDE Recording & Editing Services. Refer to Studio Work for relevant rates.

Option 1: Finished Hour

Fee INCLUDE Recording & Editing Services

Per finished hour RM700*


  • Fees are calculated based on finished-hour, which is the full duration of VO, AFTER removing all mistakes.
  • The duration of edited VO is to be rounded up to the closest higher finished-hour (i.e. 76 minutes of VO is considered 2 finished-hours).
  • Typically, at normal reading speed, one finished minute is approximately 155 English words, 150 BM / Tamil words, or 270 Chinese characters

Option 2: English, BM & Tamil Wordcount

Fee DO NOT INCLUDE Recording & Editing Services

Per word RM0.065/word*
Minimum fee RM400 / per session

Option 3: Chinese Character Count

Fee DO NOT INCLUDE Recording & Editing Services

Per word RM0.037/word*
Minimum fee RM400 / per session
Other Charges
Re-record Per word rate (Option 2 or 3) applies, RM400 minimum fee per session.

Terms & Conditions

  1. * Rates will be adjusted in 2026.
  2. Rates are based on lifetime usage, worldwide.
  3. If the voice talent is asked to record a VO specifically for commercial / broadcast marketing use (eg. the talent is asked to voice a character for a trailer), fees apply as per Category 1A or 1B. If already recorded VOs are used for commercial / broadcast marketing use, fee as per Category 1A or 1B do not apply.
  4. Rates are not inclusive of post-production, mixing, music, sound design or sound effects.
  5. Usage rights DO NOT INCLUDE use for Digital Voice Simulations, A.I. Voice Cloning / A.I. Voice Generating / A.I. Voice Training / A.I. Voice Creations, Voice Synthesization, Digital Double / Voice Double, Machine Learning, Composite Voice, and alike. Any company or person may not extract or copy the voice assets or recordings, of any Voice Over Talent, living or deceased, for the use in any manner that is not according to the agreed usage of recordings, without Voice Guild Malaysia or the Voice Over Talent's consent.
  6. The VGM strongly recommends invoices of up to RM1,200 must be cleared before recording, and the remaining amount is to be cleared within 30 days.

Studio Work

Basic VO Recording & Editing

Rate listed only covers basic VO Recording & Editing*

Rate includes:

  • Studio recording fees
  • Clean up / removal of mistakes, errors in pronunciation, any part of the VO recording that can't be used in final VO.

Rate does NOT include:

  • Export of each individual take as separate .wav file.
  • Mixing / Post-production of VO recording (EQ, compression, de-breath, removal of mouth sounds, de-noise, removal of room tone, etc)* / Mastering
  • Sourcing of / licensing fees for music or sound effects*
  • Mixing of VO recording with music or sound effects*
Description Rate
1 recording session, 1 language, 1 version RM180 per hour or per session, whichever is higher

Terms & Conditions

  1. * Fees for post-production / mixing / music are at the discretion of the talent, please discuss with the talent for rates.
  2. For Category 1, a recording session shall not last longer than 2 hours, for 1 version / 1 language, including time for feedback / amendments.
  3. Additional time for editing is needed after recording session has ended.
  4. For live-directed VO recording session, export of the edited VO is considered final. Feedback / amendments to the script after the recording session time will be charged as a new studio session, and re-recording VO rates for the relevant category apply.
  5. For VO recording sessions that are not live-directed, a set time for feedback must be agreed upon by the client and talent prior to recording. Feedback / amendments to the script after the set feedback time will be charged as a new studio session, and re-recording VO rate for the relevant category apply.
  6. The rate only includes audio editing for the VO talent's own VO recording, and if it is immediately done after the VO is recorded. Any additional editing work is chargeable. Please discuss with the talent for rates.
  7. The VGM strongly recommends invoices of up to RM1,200 must be cleared before recording, and the remaining amount is to be cleared within 30 days.

Rights of Usage

Digital Voice Manipulations and Reproductions

  • Voice Over Talent's compensation shall only cover the use of the original voice assets or recordings as recorded. Use in any manner that would allow a Producer or any related company or person to manipulate or otherwise modify the original words spoken is strictly prohibited.
  • Producer or any related company or person may not create digital reproductions of any Voice Over Talent in connection with the Project. Producer or any related company or person may not use any digital reproduction of any individual, living or deceased, as a character or in place of Voice Over Talents in the Project without Voice Guild Malaysia or the Voice Over Talent's consent. The foregoing restriction includes any voice reproductions.

Digital Voice Simulations, A.I. Voice Cloning / A.I. Voice Generating / A.I. Voice Training / A.I. Voice Creations, Voice Synthesization, Digital Double / Voice Double, Machine Learning, Composite Voice, and alike

  • Any attempts to acquire digital simulation or digital creation rights is void and unenforceable until the terms have been negotiated with Voice Guild Malaysia or the Voice Over Talent(s) involved.
  • Any company or person may not extract or copy the voice assets or recordings, of any Voice Over Talent, living or deceased, for the use in any manner that is not according to the agreed usage of recordings, without Voice Guild Malaysia or the Voice Over Talent's consent.